Homeowners Insurance in and around Abbeville
Looking for homeowners insurance in Abbeville?
The key to great homeowners insurance.

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- Abbeville Al
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With State Farm's Insurance, You Are Home
You want your home to be a place to unwind after a stressful day at work. That doesn't happen when you're worrying about getting your lawn mowed, and especially if your home isn't insured. That's why you need us at State Farm, so all you have to worry about is the first part.
Looking for homeowners insurance in Abbeville?
The key to great homeowners insurance.

Why Homeowners In Abbeville Choose State Farm
Your home is the cornerstone for the life you are building. That’s why you need State Farm homeowners insurance, just in case your home sweet home is threatened. Agent Ron Abernathy can roll out the welcome mat to help provide you with coverage for your particular situation. You’ll feel right at home with Agent Ron Abernathy, with a no-nonsense experience to get high-quality coverage for your homeowner insurance needs. Customizable care and service like this is what sets State Farm apart from the rest. Home can be a sweet place to live with State Farm homeowners insurance.
It's always the right move to protect your home and valuables with State Farm. Then, you won't have to worry about the unexpected tornado damage to your property. Contact Ron Abernathy today to learn more about your options or ask how to bundle and save!
Have More Questions About Homeowners Insurance?
Call Ron at (334) 585-2271 or visit our FAQ page.

Protect your place from electrical fires
State Farm and Ting* can help you prevent electrical fires before they happen - for free.
Ting program only available to eligible State Farm Non-Tenant Homeowner policyholders
Explore Ting*The State Farm Ting program is currently unavailable in AK, DE, NC, SD and WY
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Ron Abernathy
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Insurance issues to consider when hosting a house party
Insurance issues to consider when hosting a house party
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Home plumbing problems can cause major damage. Performing a home plumbing checkup regularly can help to avoid plumbing issues. Read more tips.